New brewery in Bergheim bei Salzburg

In addition to the hote and butchery, a brewery in the Genussdorf Gmachl can not be missing.

A own butcher's shop and its own restaurant - the own brewery in the Genussdorf Gmachl in Bergheim near Salzburg can not be missing. We are glad to have implemented this project together with the Gmachl family. Modern brewing technology in a traditional robe: we have the feeling that our brewery is perfectly integrated into the concept of this house with its 5hl brewhouse in copper and cylindrical tanks. A place of enjoyment where modern comfort meets traditional crafts - a complete thing.

5 hl Sudhaus in Kupferausführung
10 hl ZKG
Blick von Außen auf den Brauereipavilion
Gärtemperatursteuerunge und Würzkühler