Isartaler Brauhaus

Munich Pullach

Beginning of November 2013 the new tenant family opend the "Isartaler Brauhaus" after successful renovation. To offer the guests delicious and fresh beer the old brewery plant was replaced with a new one during renovation. As the building was built in 1890 and is listed as historical building, the construction of the brewery was a real challenge. The brewhouse and each tank had to be built and designed not only to brew the best beer, but also the bringing in in the building had to be possible and the equipment had to fit into the potential allocated space. The planning of this rebuilding was not easy because many frame parameters had to be met, such as difficult bringing in through narrow rooms, mounting during the restaurant was open, short delivery time, brewery for steady highest quality beers. The brewery opened on schedule and since then brewmaster Benni brews at the station Pullach in Großhesselohe the so popular Stationsweizen.

Scope of Performance

  • 5 hl brewhouse
  • Copper version
  • Annual capacity: 1.000 hl 
  • Open fermentation 
  • Cooled rooms 
  • Mounting during opening hours of the gastronomy
  • Brewery designed according to the building requirements

Contact address

Isartaler Brauhaus | Familie Abenteuer
 | Kreuzeckstr. 23b | 82049 Pullach | Germany
Tel: +49 89 - 798961
 | Fax: +49 89 - 798