Browar PG4
Nec temere, nec timide - "Neither rashly nor timidly"; is the motto of the city of Gdansk and in a sense this guiding principle can also be applied to the BROWAR PG4 brewery. It certainly was not timid to create a modern pub brewery from an old, dilapidated office building of the German Reichsbahn from 1905, one of the few buildings in the city that survived the Second World War unscathed. And the plan, on the other hand, was anything but rash - the result of the all the effort that went into it is something to be proud of and the success of the project speaks for itself.
Gdansk has its own long and unique beer tradition, with several typical types of beer being brewed exclusively in this city. The Gdansk brewery follows seamlessly in the footsteps of this tradition; it not only brews modern classics, but also scrutinises the recipe books of the brewers of old, to find ones that it then re-interprets and revives. “Jopenbier”, which is currently experiencing a revival, is a particular highlight here.
Of course, so many different types of beer demand meticulously clean operation and absolutely reliable brewing equipment. That is why the owner decided on a 10 hl copper system from CASPARY.
Scope of supply
- 10 hl copper brewhouse
- cylindroconical tanks & open fermentation vessels for an yearly capacity of 1.800 hl
- Turn Key: complete brewery, mounting & commissioing
- Custom designed equipment in accordance to polish laws
Contact address
Browar PG4 | Podwale Grodzkie 4 | 80 895 Danzig | Polen | phone: +48 668215608

Brewmaster Johannes Herberg about the Project PG4:
“The investor took a rather unconventional approach in its choice of brewing equipment and the
manufacturer of the brewery installation. It brought a graduate master brewer on board, who
compiled a list of all system components, which he then sent to different manufacturers. Caspary
was the only one to seriously address the technical, technological and pricing issues on list. This offer
included all details, with no hidden or concealed costs. All the others just wanted to sell “their best
system”. Nevertheless, the decision for a Caspary installation was still a difficult one to make,
because the company did not yet have an approval for containers from the Polish Board for Weights
and Measures. The Polish government does not always make things easy where official approvals are
concerned. At any rate the Caspary system was worth taking this stony road to gain approval. Thanks
to the supportive work performed by Caspary (mainly sketches and other company documents), we
(Browar PG4 and Caspary) at last received the stamp of approval and signature for 10 and 20 hl
cylindroconical tanks and a 10 hl brewhouse, with the provision to safeguard existing standards. We
are currently working on obtaining approval from the Board for Weights and Measures for the 10 hl
fermenting vat. We now have around 15 brews under our belt and I would not swap this installation
for any other. It has met what we expected from my list from the very start. And where the quality of
the different beers is concerned, we were determined from the outset to make no comprises. NO
OFF-TASTES! That was the plan. We can achieve an extremely long shelf life with regard to taste and
microbiological properties (3 months easily). COOL! (Comment of the author) It’s fun. Where service
and support is concerned, Caspary is always there ready to help. I have made quite different
experiences in the course of my master brewer carrier. Sold, paid, forgotten. Another highlight is the
piping, which is not just technologically perfect, but also first class architecturally – a pure work of art
aesthetically integrated into the various rooms. Lay persons and professionals alike find it amazing.
We hope that the corporate philosophy at Caspary will continue to endure in future as well. So
nothing can stand in the way of continuing an excellent and guaranteed cooperation.
We would like to say thank you to the company Caspary, as we have so often before.”
Graduate master brewer Johannes Herberg